M-PESA Account Management

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Experience M-PESA

M-PESA agents

Send and receive money hassle-free at our M-PESA agent outlets. There are over 160,000 agents countrywide ready to serve you wherever you are with many more added daily.

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Fraudsters are known to use tactics that take advantage of customers; they require you to provide information or do something yourself. Outsmart frauds or scams on M-PESA by practicing these tips. 

  1. Always check your M-PESA balance on SMS to confirm proof of transaction.

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Using M-PESA

Checking your M-PESA balance

  1. Select "Show balance" on the Safaricom App or select Check Balance on M-PESA menu in your Safaricom sim tool kit.
  2. Enter your secret PIN
  3. Wait for SMS confirmation message with your balance

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Register For M-PESA

Visit your nearest M-PESA agent outlet or Safaricom retail centre and present a mobile phone with a Safaricom SIM card and valid Identification document.

After successful registration, you will receive a confirmation message and a 4-digit M-PESA PIN sent by SMS.

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M-PESA Reversal

Hakikisha is a service that allows M-PESA customers to confirm the recipient’s name and/or number, before completing a transaction.
This service is available for all customers, on all handsets.

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