About Child Online Protection.

The Internet has brought untold benefits to our lives and presents vast opportunities and possibilities that enable us to learn, work, and play. However, there exists risks and vulnerabilities online.

The Child Online Protection (COP) is an initiative that was established by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in November 2008. It is an international collaborative network to protect children worldwide against cyber threats by providing legal, technical, and organizational measures.

In Kenya, the Communication Authority has been running a child online safety initiative which involves different stakeholders in the country. Through the Child Online Protection Awareness campaign, they have raised awareness of the risks children face online and have developed guidelines for children, parents, guardians, educators, industry, and policymakers.

As a company, Safaricom exists to “Transform Lives”. This purpose statement permeates every decision made by the company and drives it to push the traditional boundaries of doing business to create value for society.

We believe in protecting our consumers against harm and children form a key part of that. And we work together with industry regulators and other partners to ensure that our consumers are aware of the dangers posed online. As such, we are guided by the regulator in ensuring that we create awareness and offer tips on how to navigate the internet and to ensure children safety online.

Safe Online Tips For Parents/Guardians/Teachers

The Internet offers a lot of benefits for kids, but online access also comes with risks, like inappropriate content, cyberbullying, and online predators. These predators might prod the child to exchange personal information, such as home address, school address, phone number, school name.

Parents should be aware of what their kids see and hear on the Internet, who they meet, and what they share about themselves. Talk with your kids, use tools to protect them, and keep an eye on their activities. Let’s train our children on how to be Internet Smart.For more information and tips on how to keep your child(ren) safe. Kindly visit https://cop.ke-cirt.go.ke to learn more.

Learn More About Safaricom's Child Online Protection Initiative

At Safaricom, we see the internet as a resource that all children should have access to, safely. Ensuring the safety of young internet users means encouraging them, and their parents, to adopt what we’re calling the 4Rs: Respect, Responsibility, Reasoning and Resilience. In this way, they can tap into the opportunities provided by the internet, while at the same time learning how to identify and deal with the risks associated with being online including cyberbullying, radicalization and exposure to inappropriate content.

Accessibility Settings

How To Keep The Young Ones Safe, Online

Reporting cases of child abuse or material

Should you encounter any form of online abuse you can report to through the following organizations and channels:

Communication Authority (Ke-Cirt)


https://cop.ke-cirt.go.ke/index.php/report/ Email: [email protected]


+254-20-4242000/446 or +254-20-4242000/446

Telephone Hotlines:

+254-732-444274/276/581/582/721 or +254-703-123897/890/841/846/850

Internet Watch Foundation

Kenya reporting portal:


DCI Toll Free Number


Childline Kenya


[email protected] [email protected]


0727-637-067 or 0733-813344

Telephone Hotlines:

+254 020 2059722


P.O. Box 100003-00100, Nairobi

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