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We endeavour to positively impact the lives of those in the community.


Safaricom Youth Orchestra

Uniting children from different backgrounds through music. By engaging in live music performances alongside seasoned professionals, they gain valuable experience and nurture their skills.

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Safaricom Jazz

Safaricom Jazz

Expanding the Kenyan Jazz scene by featuring both local and international artists in live performance concerts. 

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Chapa Dimba Na Safaricom

Chapa Dimba Na Safaricom

Enriching the lives of young people by giving them a platform to showcase their footballing talent.

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Michael Joseph Centre

Michael Joseph Centre

Every now and then, an event has been hosted at Michael Joseph Centre - touching many and inspiring even more.

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Safaricom Golf Tour

Safaricom Golf Tour

A platform that seeks to demystify the game which has long been seen as a sport for the elite, and position it as one that is accessible for all.  

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