"As the global environmental disclosure system, CDP is dedicated to building the foundations for a thriving and sustainable economy and greatly appreciates the support of Safaricom Limited in our efforts to continue driving transparency and corporate environmental action The situation is urgent, and the global community must act now to ensure that we limit global warming to 1.5C. Disclosure is the first key step in addressing current and future environmental risks through standardized, comparable data. Safaricom Limited has shown its commitment to transparency around its environmental impacts and strategies for action by disclosing through CDP in 2023. Regular disclosure drives climate action and so we look forward to Safaricom Limited sharing their environmental data for years to come."
Turning the tide: Why we must beat plastic pollution

Turning the tide: Why we must beat plastic pollution

Fishermen are going home with a smaller catch as plastic waste chokes marine life.

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Ready to work, but where are the jobs?

Ready to work, but where are the jobs?

Unemployment and vulnerable employment remain some of the greatest challenges facing today's economies

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More than takataka

More than takataka

Aptly named TakaTaka Solutions, one company is offering sustainable waste management solutions which include recycling of organic waste into compost

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Aiming for Zero

Aiming for Zero

Climate change experts are calling for a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions to net zero to have a reasonable chance of halting the effects of global warming

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From Nkubu with love (and lots of bananas)

From Nkubu with love (and lots of bananas)

How technology is changing banana farming in one of Kenya's most fertile towns

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The unique business of growing flies

The unique business of growing flies

Nicholas Ndekei is a youthful farmer earning a living from what some may consider an unpleasant business. He has found a way to bridge the protein gap in an affordable and sustainable way by rearing the Black Soldier Fly, an insect that is gaining popularity for solving the food waste problem and making fertiliser.

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Mobile money for good in new M-PESA partnership

Mobile money for good in new M-PESA partnership

A partnership between the Government and Safaricom is working to make a difference. 

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Podcast: Cleaner ways to power the network

Podcast: Cleaner ways to power the network

More than 13,331 companies across the world have signed to the United Nations Global Compact, a voluntary initiative to implement sustainability principles.

The principles put in print ambitions to make the world a better place by producing and growing wealth in a way that does less damage to the world.

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A partnership to save the endangered roan antelope

A partnership to save the endangered roan antelope

The roan antelope numbers are dangerously diminishing. Poaching, frequent bushfires among other threats are seriously limiting their population growth. To address this, the M-PESA Foundation has partnered with various organisations to secure their future and save this antelope species.

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Climate Change stealthier but more serious than Coronavirus; let us act now to stop it

Climate Change stealthier but more serious than Coronavirus; let us act now to stop it

The convergence of the anniversary of World Earth Day and this terrible pandemic is a reminder of the ongoing challenges we face in protecting our environment.

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Restoring Dignity to Refugees

Restoring Dignity to Refugees

When war and its ravages push people out of their homes, life changes in unimaginable ways for refugees. Can private sector do anything to make life even a little better for this vulnerable population?

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The Roan antelopes of Ruma, two years on

The Roan antelopes of Ruma, two years on

The partnership to save the endangered species kicked off in January 2021 and two years later, the Safaricom Newsroom accompanied stakeholders to review progress.

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What happens to your old electronics when you dispose them?

What happens to your old electronics when you dispose them?

The global market for electrical and electronic products is growing exponentially, and at the same time, their lifespan is growing shorter. These products are increasingly ending up in dumpsites posing a big challenge to the environment and human health

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