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Notice On Interim Dividend

Notice On Interim Dividend

Great news for Safaricom PLC shareholders! Get ready to receive an "interim dividend" payment on March 31st, 2023.

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Indemnity Form

Indemnity Form

In the event that the safaricom Cheque(s) is lost, misplaced or destroyed, one can cancel the cheque (s) by downloading and filling in the indemnity form.

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Unclaimed Entitlements-Safaricom

Unclaimed Entitlements-Safaricom

Procedure of verifying the position of unclaimed assets:

  1. Visit the UFAA website
  2. Search account details using ID number or any other identification used in buying shares
  3. The result will show whether Safaricom has remitted one’s dividend and the year of remittance

Opt in Form

Opt in Form

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