Keep The Connections Going

At our core, we spend our lives earnestly in search of these:

Nurturing, validation, company, information and experiences that involve others. 

These connections with our friends, families, acquaintances, colleagues, and even our countrymen gives us hope for a better tomorrow. 

Life is better when you know that wherever you are, there is someone there for you. 

So let us celebrate and strengthen the connections that keep us going!

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Ungaana, Pendana Lyrics 

Kitu gani chatuunganisha,

Mume kwa mke, ndugu na dada,

Marafiki tunaowajali,

Washiriki hata makazini,

Jambo la muhimu,

Kwa hamu na gamu,

Twatumaini taifa,


ndoto, zote zetu

Ungaana, Pendana 

Tumeungana twaonekana,

Tuko huru tuko sawa,

Ungaana, Pendana 

Dunia ijue tuko sawa,

Twaunganisha ndoto zetu

Ungaana kwa upendo X2 

Ni Upendo watuunganisha,

Mume kwa mke, ndugu na dada

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