Terms and Conditions for "Jisajli Ujulikane Wewe Ni VIP" Service

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1. Scope

1.1. These terms and conditions (“Terms and Conditions”) apply to you when you register as a person with visual impairment with the Kenya Union of the Blind (“KUB”) using the USSD Code *678# (the “Service”).

1.2. By participating in the Service, you will be deemed to have read, understood and accepted the Terms and Conditions.

2. The Service

2.1. This Service allows persons with visual impairments and difficulties to register with the Kenya Union of the Blind.

2.2. The service is part of Safaricom’s purpose to transform lives and is dubbed “Jisajli Ujulikane wewe ni V.I.P.”

2.3. The Service is accessible via USSD code *678#.

3. Eligibility

This Service is open to all Safaricom Individual Prepay and PostPay Subscribers.

4. Charges

4.1. This Service is available free of charge.

4.2. Further and in addition to the foregoing, the USSD sessions are at zero charge to the customer.

5. How to participate in the service5.1. You may access the Service via USSD (by dialing *678#).

5.2. Upon accessing the Service, you may follow the prompts to register a visually impaired person.

5.3. You will receive an SMS reply confirming successful registration.

6. Other terms of service

6.1. Kenya Union of the Blind reserves the right to vary or amend any feature of the registration process, or to amend these terms and conditions at any time.

6.2. Such changes shall be advertised on Kenya Union of the Blind (KUB) website http://kub.or.ke/ and may also be published in the local press.

6.3. Subscribers’ registration details will be visible ONLY to Kenya Union of the Blind (KUB) and Safaricom Plc and will only be consumed by Kenya Union of the Blind (KUB) and Safaricom PLC., for priority routing of the visually impaired at their Call Centre.

7. Privacy

7.1. Definition
“Personal Information” means personal identifiable information as prescribed in the Data Protection Act, 2019 which includes but is not limited to name, address, phone number, identification number, location data.

7.2. Collection
We are required by law to collect certain personal information and are legally obligated to deny you the Service if such information is not availed.
You hereby consent to our collection of Personal Information and to processing of the same by Kenya Union of the Blind and Safaricom.
Apart from the legal obligation mentioned above, we also need to collect your Personal Information for quality service delivery. Please note that although this is voluntary, without such information we may not be able to provide quality service.

7.3. Privacy
We are committed to respecting and protecting the privacy of the information we collect from you.
Our privacy statement, as updated from time to time, explains how we treat your personal information, who we share your information with, and measures taken to protect your privacy when you register with Kenya Union of the Blind (KUB). More details regarding this registration process can be accessed through our website http://kub.or.ke/ If unable to access the link or our website, please reach us on any of our contact numbers; 0714443391 and 0724 621814.

7.4. Minors
When registering a minor, a person with parental authority shall open and maintain an account in their name for and on behalf of the minor. For purposes of these Terms and Conditions, a person with parental authority shall include the birth parents of a minor, legal guardian or other person who can demonstrate legitimate authority over the minor’s affairs.

6. Extension and Amendment of these Terms

8.1. The Service may be withdrawn at any time.

8.2. Any update or amendment to these Terms and Conditions including privacy terms will be available on the KUB and will take effect from the date of notification of the update or amendment.

8.3. These Terms and Conditions may also be availed on Safaricom’s website at www.safaricom.co.ke.


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