Safiri Smart Terms & Conditions

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The following terms and conditions apply to the Safiri Smart Service (“the Service) and by utilising the Service you will be deemed to have read, understood and accepted these terms and conditions. Safiri Smart is a service that will provide you with information regarding notifiable infectious diseases such as Ebola, Cholera, Plague etc when they travel to a country with a disease outbreak and ways in which to prevent such diseases.

1 Description of the service

  1. The Service (Safiri Smart) is a mobile-based solution for the dissemination of information regarding notifiable infectious diseases such as Ebola, Cholera, Plague etc.

  2. t will provide information on how to prevent such diseases as well as signs and symptoms of infectious diseases.

  3. The platform includes a link with guidance on what to do if you experience these signs and symptoms based on your country of travel.

2. Eligibility

  1. The Service is available to both post and prepaid subscribers on Safaricom’s network.

  2. The Service is only applicable when roaming.

3 How to activate the Service

  1. Dial *265#

  2. Select the number against the preferred service option to subscribe

  3. Click send and follow the instructions

  4. You will receive an SMS reply confirming successful activation.

4 Using the Service

  1. While roaming, a subscriber will receive two messages on notifiable ongoing outbreaks, one from Safaricom Roaming Service and the second from the Ministry of Health.

  2. The messages will comprise of 3 components: i) a description of the disease ii) signs and symptoms; and iii) linkage to an emergency operation center in the event that they experience signs and symptoms at the end of the incubation period.

  3. Subscribers can contact the emergency operation center through 0729 47 14 14, 0800 721 316 or 0732 353535 or affected subscribers can visit the Kenya National Health Institute, 1st Floor, within Kenyatta National Hospital grounds.

5 How to opt out of the Service

Dial *265# and select “Unsubscribe”

6 Charges

There will be no charge incurred while using the service,

7. Exclusion of Liability

  1. To the maximum extent permissible by law we exclude warranties of all kinds, either express or implied;

  2. To the fullest extent permissible by law, we are not liable for any costs, loss, liability or damage whether direct, special or consequential, however and wherever arising out of our supply of, or failure to supply, the Services and you shall indemnify and keep us indemnified at all times against any and all costs, expenses, actions, claims, demands and damages howsoever and whenever arising as a result of the use of the Platform by you or anybody else.

8. Other terms and conditions

  1. To access this service, you will need to activate roaming services.

  2. This is purely a Ministry of health service powered by Safaricom.

  3. The standard terms and conditions for the Safaricom Pre Pay and Post-pay services will apply to the Service unless expressly varied by these terms and conditions

  4. Subscribers’ registration and subscription details will be visible to Safaricom but will only be used for reporting and analysis.

  5. We are committed to respecting and protecting the privacy of the information we collect from you in compliance with the applicable laws and obligations on data use and privacy. Our privacy statement, as updated from time to time, explains how we treat your personal data and protect your privacy when you use our Service.

  6. Safaricom reserves the right to vary or amend any feature of the Service or to amend these terms and conditions at any time. Such changes shall be advertised on Safaricom’s website and may also be published in the local press. Such changes shall not affect any Service you have requested prior to the effective date of the changes.


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