Safaricom Okoa Bundles Terms and Conditions

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The following terms and conditions apply to the Safaricom Okoa Bundles Service (“Okoa Bundles”) and by utilizing the Okoa Bundles Service you will be deemed to have read, understood and accepted the same:

1.  The Service

  1. The Okoa Bundles Service allows Safaricom PrePay subscribers who meet the eligibility criteria set out in clause 2 below to request an advance of mobile data Bundles of 5MB, 10MB, 45MB, 120MB and 450MB (the “Credit Advance") which shall be credited to the Subscriber’s PrePay data account (less the service charge set out in clause 2 below).

  2. For providing the Credit Advance to you, Safaricom will charge an advance fee of 10% for each request. The table below highlights the service fee for each request and actual airtime credited to your Prepay account:

Okoa Bundles



Fee in


Charge  (Ksh)

Total Amount



Airtime Spend for the Previous

Week (Kshs.)





























 c. The Okoa Bundles Service will be available from 14th September 2018 (“Service Date”).

2.  Eligibility

  1. The Okoa Bundles Service is open to all Safaricom PrePay subscribers apart from Prepay subscribers who are roaming.

  2. In order to access the Credit Advance:

  1. The amount requested must be equivalent to your airtime spend for the last seven (7) days prior to the date of the request for the Credit Advance.

  2. You must have an active line meaning your line has not gone into expiry due to a failure to top up over a period of 180 days or any other such days as maybe communicated by Safaricom from time to time.

  3. Your mobile number must have been active on Safaricom network for at least one (1) month continuously.

  4. You must have fully repaid any previous Credit Advanced on both Okoa Jahazi and Okoa Bundles.

3. How to Request for the Okoa Bundles 

Okoa Bundles Service can be accessed in the following ways:

  1. USSD:

    1. Dial *544# or *131# from your Safaricom mobile or data line;

    2. Select “Okoa Bundles”;

    3. You will get Bundles options available for you to get credit advance on (Okoa);

    4. Select your preferred Bundles and you will receive the following message upon successful request:

    “Request successful. You have received *** MB + FREE WhatsApp. Your Okoa credit is *** KSH to be paid before ***Date”


    “Request successful. You have received *** MB. Your Okoa credit is *** KSH to be paid before ***Date”

  2. Bundles:

    1. Log onto;

    2. Click on “Okoa Bundles” button;

    3. Select the Bundles you wish to get credit advance on Okoa;

    4. Select your preferred Bundles and you will receive the following message upon successful request:

    “Request successful. You have received *** MB + FREE WhatsApp. Your Okoa credit is *** KSH to be paid before ***Date”


    “Request successful. You have received *** MB. Your Okoa credit is *** KSH to be paid before ***Date”

4. Repayment of the Credit Advance

  1. The following top up methods will be valid for the purpose of repaying the Credit Advance: Scratch cards, Safaricom-excluding ‘preferential vouchers’ such as the magic box voucher, Pre Pay Roaming Top-up (PPRTU) using partner networks scratch cards in Tanzania, Uganda and Rwanda), M-PESA, 3rd party top-up, Sambaza, PINless Top-up (Bamba Poa).

  2. The Credit Advance will be deducted from your subsequent top up(s) until fully recovered.

  3. You will be required to repay the Credit Advance within a period of 120 hours from when the Credit Advance amount was credited to your account. If you do not repay the Credit Advance within the said period you will not be entitled to utilize the Okoa Jahazi or Okoa Bundles Service for a period of four (4) days following the expiry of the 120 hours. This will however not affect your right to access other Safaricom services provided you are compliant with the terms and conditions of that service or unless otherwise communicated by Safaricom.

5. Other Terms and Conditions

    1. The Okoa Bundles Credit Advance can only be used to browse the internet. You cannot make calls or send text with Okoa Bundles.

    2. In order of priority, Daily Bundles will be exhausted first followed by Okoa Bundles and then Volume Bundles.

    3. You will not be able to Sambaza the Okoa Bundles Credit Advance to another subscriber.

    4. Safaricom shall not be liable for any injury, loss or damage, whether foreseen or unforeseen resulting from any failure, interruption, delay, suspension or restriction in providing the Okoa Bundles Service howsoever arising. Safaricom reserves the right to decline a request for Okoa Bundles without incurring any liability.

    5. Safaricom reserves the right to withdraw the Okoa Bundles Service from any particular subscriber at any time and to vary or amend any element of the Okoa Bundles Service any time without further notice.

    6. These terms and conditions may be varied or amended by Safaricom at any time and by continuing to use the Okoa Bundles Credit Advance you will be deemed to have read, understood and accepted such amended terms and conditions. The varied terms and conditions will be available on the Safaricom website

    7. The Okoa Bundles Credit Advance is not a resale service, airtime and key account dealers will not have access to the service for resale to subscribers.

    8. The standard terms and conditions for the Safaricom PrePay services, PrePay and PostPay Data Bundles and other Services that you may be using ( will apply to the Okoa Bundles Servicesave where expressly varied by these terms and conditions.

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