Statement From Safaricom Limited on the 3839 Short Code

June 14th 2012… Leading integrated communications provider, Safaricom Limited has with immediate effect terminated its contract with licensed Content Service Provider Datalex.

This follows internal investigations arising from complaints by The National Alliance party (TNA) that people masquerading as party officials were using the short code to defraud innocent people of their money. Safaricom has also indicated that it has referred the matter to industry regulator CCK to take action against the potential breach of license conditions and of statutory obligations by Datalex which offers a regulated service.

The short code 3839 was registered to Datalex, a Content Service Provider licensed by CCK in 2009 to provide job alert services. Under the terms of service with Safaricom, Datalex is not allowed to send political messages to subscribers and their actions therefore constitute a material breach of contract.

"As we approach the General Election, we will institute clear guidelines for political messaging to ensure that there is no recurrence of this unfortunate episode. We will also exercise zero tolerance for any of our partners found guilty of any such abuse of our Short Code Services," said Bob Collymore, CEO Safaricom Limited.

June 14th 2012… Leading integrated communications provider, Safaricom Limited has with immediate effect terminated its contract with licensed Content Service Provider Datalex.

This follows internal investigations arising from complaints by The National Alliance party (TNA) that people masquerading as party officials were using the short code to defraud innocent people of their money. Safaricom has also indicated that it has referred the matter to industry regulator CCK to take action against the potential breach of license conditions and of statutory obligations by Datalex which offers a regulated service.

The short code 3839 was registered to Datalex, a Content Service Provider licensed by CCK in 2009 to provide job alert services. Under the terms of service with Safaricom, Datalex is not allowed to send political messages to subscribers and their actions therefore constitute a material breach of contract.

"As we approach the General Election, we will institute clear guidelines for political messaging to ensure that there is no recurrence of this unfortunate episode. We will also exercise zero tolerance for any of our partners found guilty of any such abuse of our Short Code Services," said Bob Collymore, CEO Safaricom Limited.

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