Safaricom Rallies Organisations To Accelerate Empowerment Of Persons With Disabilities

Safaricom has committed to employing more persons with disability as it hosted the ‘Forum for Global Disability 2018. The forum brought together stakeholders from the private sector, Disability People Organisations and Government agencies who resolved to strengthen their commitment to support the inclusion of PWDs through various interventions right from early childhood.

“Since the Global Disability Summit in 2018, London; Safaricom has increased its percentage of employees who are persons with disability from 1.7% to 2.1% and we aim to reach 5% in the next two to three years. We would like as many people as possible to be involved in this forum so that persons with disability live a decent life and none is left behind,” said Chief Human Resource Officer Paul Kasimu.

Of the five thematic areas agreed on, members present felt that assistive devices and technologies and Economic empowerment for persons with disability were cross cutting theme. The forum deliberated on promoting inclusion of persons with disability through meaningful employment and financial inclusion opportunities.

On the same note the government was mentioned as a key stakeholder in availing quality and affordable assistive technologies. Among other key dependencies discussed were availability of reliable data on disability. The government was urged to leverage on the upcoming National census to collect accurate data that is critical to making informed decisions that will facilitate action planning towards disability inclusion.

This forum aims to rally stakeholders to bring to life their Global Disability Summit commitments in line with the Disability Charter for Change. DFID committed to play a catalytic role and there will be a governance structure to create synergies which will keep the members truly engaged holding them accountable to this worthy course.


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