Safaricom Joins the Tent Partnership for Refugees - A Global Network of Businesses Mobilizing Companies to Support Refugees Around the World

Safaricom, the leading Kenyan telecommunications company, has today joined the Tent Partnership for Refugees (Tent), a global business network which mobilizes companies around the world to support refugees. As well as encouraging companies to make commitments to help refugees, Tent also shares best practice and companies’ experiences to support the economic integration of refugees.

Currently, Kenya hosts more than 400,000 refugees primarily from the Great Lakes and Horn of Africa region. Safaricom is developing a suite of products and services to support refugees in Kenya. The company’s offerings include an e-voucher product that allows refugees to purchase food and other key items, while also helping to grow the local economy. In addition, Safaricom has worked with Vodafone, UNHCR, and Huawei to help bring technology to classrooms in refugee camps through the Instant Network School program. Safaricom is also exploring the use of direct cash transfers to help refugees.

Michael Joseph, Safaricom CEO said: " We are pleased to join this partnership, which seeks to restore the dignity of forcibly displaced people - who are among the most vulnerable populations in the world. Safaricom believes that no matter the circumstances, no one should be left behind. We are excited to join a partnership that is bridging this gap by addressing challenges faced by the refugees."

Gideon Maltz, Executive Director at the Tent Partnership for Refugees, said: "We're thrilled that Safaricom has joined Tent. Safaricom is already offering a range of products and services for refugees in Kenya - joining Tent will mean building on this great work."

The Tent Partnership for Refugees mobilizes the business community to improve the lives and livelihoods of over 25 million refugees who have been forcibly displaced from their home countries. It believes that companies are uniquely positioned to alleviate the global refugee crisis by mobilizing their networks, resources, innovation, and entrepreneurship to integrate refugees into the global economy. Tent was launched in 2016. Over 130 global companies are currently members of the Tent Partnership. 


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