Safaricom Foundation partners with Catholic Relief Services to Launch TVET Programme in Isiolo County

The programme, titled “Boresha Ujuzi Wa Vijana” will cost a total of KES 179 million, in line with the Foundation’s 2023-2026 strategy.

Isiolo 12th October,2023

Safaricom Foundation, in partnership with the Catholic Relief Services, launched a Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Programme titled “Boresha Ujuzi Wa Vijana” in Isiolo County, which seeks increase the employability of our youth through training them with various skills in line with its 2023-2026 strategy.

The programme aims to reach and train approximately 9,000 youths directly over a 3-year period with interventions supporting quality skills and learning opportunities and will benefit over 20,000 community members indirectly, through connector projects.

“One of our main goals under education in our strategy plan is to skill youth in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions by increasing access to training and employment opportunities while improving TVET infrastructure, by doing these we hope to make these TVET institutions centres of excellence,” said Joe Ogutu, Chairman, Safaricom Foundation.

The Catholic Relief Services(CRS) will be the lead partner in the programme and contributed KES 22million while Safaricom Foundation contributed KES 157 million. The CRS is responsible for the overall creation, coordination, implementation, and financial management of the programme.

“We are excited to partner with Safaricom Foundation to launch this project here in Isiolo County, where we are able to provide the youth with a chance at proper employment. We aim to successfully train 90% of the youth, who will then be transitioned into the job market,” said Rebecca Hallam, Catholic Relief Services Country Representative.

Isiolo County is one of six counties where the Boresha Ujuzi Wa Vijana programme will be implemented due to the high population of opportunity youths currently not in any form education, training, or employment. The other counties are Nairobi, Mombasa, Nakuru, Kakamega and Busia counties.

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