Safaricom Home Fibre

It’s a service that provides you with fast, reliable and unlimited internet access from the comfort of your home. Once registered you will be given a WiFi router that will enable you to have wireless and LAN internet access.

A promotion that gives you an additional One Month FREE subscription equivalent to the package you sign up for on Safaricom Home Fibre The packages available for you include:



Monthly Cost

Validity Period




30 Days

Bronze Plus



30 Days




30 Days

Silver Plus



30 Days




30 Days

Gold Plus



30 Days




30 Days

Diamond Plus



30 Days

Dial *400# and select “Get Safaricom Home Fibre” and follow the steps. If you’re in are in a fibre covered area, you will get a call back from Safaricom within 24 hours.

Dial *400# and select the “Are you in my area” option. It will prompt you to enter information on your location. Alternatively you can visit the Safaricom HOME website via Safaricom Home Coverage

Visit Safaricom Home Fibre and select the “Find out what package works for you” tab

To pay, either;

Use the M-PESA PAYBILL no.150501 and key in your Safaricom Home Fibre account number in the ‘account number’ section


  • dial *400#
  • select “Manage your subscriptions” and accept terms and conditions
  • enter your account number and pay via M-PESA

Any first time Safaricom Home Fibre customer whose home is within a fibre covered area i.e. you haven’t connected to Safaricom Home Fibre before this promotion

Before expiry, you will receive a prompt to make payment via M-PESA to continue enjoying the service. To renew your subscription, use any of the payment options listed above or download the Safaricom HOME app.

You will be provided with a WiFi username and password to connect your device to Safaricom Home Fibre.

Please send an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with details of your request. Once the service is cancelled, we will make arrangements to collect the WiFi router from your premises. You can also use the same details to connect to your Wi-Fi compatible devices.

Please call 400 from the number that you used to make payment for the service. Alternatively, you can send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  • Dial *400#
  • select “Manage your subscriptions”
  • select “Existing account”
  • select “Manage contact number”
  • “Add contact number”. Please enter number in the format (7xxxxxxxx) then confirm the details.
  • You will receive an SMS notification confirming the number has been added.

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