Niokolee Service

This Service allows you to request Kredo from your friends and family.

All Safaricom PrePay subscribers apart from PrePay subscribers who are roaming.

  • Dial *444# from your Safaricom line.
  • Select “Niokolee” then select “Request Kredo”.
  • Enter the Safaricom number to request Talktime from (“the Benefactor”).
  • Select the predefined Talktime amount to request e.g., Ksh 10 then submit.

You will receive a notification from 44444 asking you to “Accept” or “Decline” the request.

Once you accept the request, the selected amount equivalent is moved from you to the requestor and notifications sent to both of you.

  • Request notification to you: “Dear Customer, You friend 7XXXXXXXX has requested you to sponsor them with Niokolee Kredo of Ksh XX Reply with 1 to Accept or 2 to Decline. The request expired within 24 hours.
  • Message to you after you accept the request: “You have shared Niokolee Kredo Ksh XX with 7XXXXXXXX. Your new Balance: Ksh ****, expiry date is 16-04-2023.
  • Message to requestor upon successful request: “You have received Niokolee Kredo Ksh XX from 7XXXXXXXX valid until 18-04-2023. To check balance, send Bal to 144”.
  • Message to requestor after unsuccessful request: “Your Niokolee request to 7XXXXXXXX has been declined

You will receive a notification from 44444 asking you to “Accept” or “Decline” the request. Once you accept the request, the selected amount equivalent is moved from you to the requestor and notifications sent to you and the requestor.

The resources will have a validity of 24 hours.

One can request up to Ksh 100. The options will be available on the menu as from 10,20, 30, 50 and 100.

Any unused Niokolee Kredo will not be carried over after the lapse of the validity period.

You can only initiate a maximum of 2 Niokolee requests per day and any subsequent request will be automatically declined by the system.

Equally, you can make a maximum of 10 Niokolee requests in a month, any subsequent request will be automatically declined by the system.

Yes, you can be a requestor and still share airtime that you have purchased. However, you cannot share the Kredo that has been shared from another sponsor.

Balance check on USSD *444# or send SMS to144 to show the balance of all the resources remaining Minutes.

No. you cannot purchase other resources from shared Niokolee Kredo.

Yes, the resources can be used for both on-net and off-net for both calls and SMS.

No, the Niokolee airtime cannot be used to make international calls.

No, Niokolee Talktime is usable only while within Kenya.

Niokolee sharing service is only available to customers on the Safaricom network

The priority will be Free resources, hourly resources and the shared Kredo

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