Nilipe Na M-PESA

Nilipe Na M-PESA is a campaign intended to boost the growth and usage of Peer to Peer (P2P) transactions on M-PESA within the Safaricom network. The campaign will reward a select group of M-PESA P2P (Send Money) recipients who exceed a daily transaction target, from values over Ksh 100.

For a start, a select group of M-PESA customers will be opted into the campaign and notified through SMS.
Safaricom will advise customers if the campaign will continue after the 3 months of pilot.
To know customers selected for the initial pilot on M-PESA interface, CEEs will check the customer profile on M-PESA.
i. Under ‘Customer Information’, on the left hand side of customer profile, select ‘Segment’. The campaigns a customer is registered for will be displayed.
ii. Select ‘KYC Tab’. If a customer is on the campaign, ‘Nilipe na M-PESA’, will show on the list of promotions, with the target. If a customer is not registered, or has opted out of the campaign, under ‘Nilipe Na M-PESA, the status will read ‘Inactive’.

To deactivate Nilipe Na M-PESA:

I. Dial *234#.

II. Select option 0: “Nilipe Na M-PESA”

III. Select option 2 IV.

You will receive the message below, confirming that you have successfully opted out of Nilipe Na M-PESA.

“You have successfully opted out of the Nilipe Na M-PESA Cash Reward. To reactivate dial *234#.”

The recipient will be given a daily target of M-PESA send money transactions to receive in order to be rewarded.

Once you hit your target, you will be rewarded with cash back to your M-PESA account instantly for every subsequent transaction.

The target will reset every day at 0000hrs.

For example, where your target is 5 transactions a day, you will start getting your cash back reward on the 5th transaction you receive. To query your target, you will dial *234#

I. Select option 0: ‘Nilipe na M-PESA’

II. Select option 3: ‘Check my target’

You will receive a message informing you of your daily target:

“Receive XX transactions on M-PESA today and earn a cash reward for every transaction after that. #Nilipe Na M-PESA”

Cash back will be based on send money transactions received from M-PESA, from Ksh 101 upwards. Customers will start receiving the cash back immediately they hit their daily target.

The following transaction types will NOT earn you cash back rewards:

i. Send Money transactions from other Networks.

ii. Mobile banking Transactions and Bulk Payment Transactions.

iii. IMT (International Money Transfer) iv. Lipa na M-PESA (Merchant Payment) transactions

v. C2B (Paybill) transactions.

Cash back will be calculated based on the value of send money transactions you receive above your daily target.
The transaction values must be over Ksh 100 – i.e. M-PESA Kadogo transactions (below Ksh 100) do not qualify to add up to the daily target set, for a cash back reward.

No, normal M-PESA transaction charges will remain

Nilipe Na M-PESA is a campaign to drive and reward acceptance and usage of Send Money (P2P) transactions among M-PESA customers.
Lipa Na M-PESA is the payment of goods and services through a designated M-PESA till number. Money is collected in a Merchant account.

If your nominated number is among the selected group of pilot customers, you will be informed of your eligibility to take part in the campaign through SMS. Nilipe Na M-PESA targets Peer to Peer (P2P) transactions where money is sent and received on one’s personal M-PESA line.
Lipa Na M-PESA tills do not qualify as the campaign targets P2P transactions

To query your target,

i. Dial *234#

ii. Select option 2: ‘M-PESA Information’

iii. Select option 3: ‘Check my target’

iv. You will receive a message informing you of your daily target:

“Receive XX transactions on M-PESA today and earn a cash reward for every transaction after that. #Nilipe Na M-PESA”

After you achieve your daily transaction target, your cash back reward will be automatically credited to your M-PESA account.
The M-PESA transaction message received will show the amount rewarded, and your current balance.

The campaign will run among the select group of M-PESA customers for 3 months, from the campaign start date.

Check that you have attained your daily target transactions.
If you have, but are yet to receive your reward, please call Safaricom on Line 100 (Prepaid), Line 200 (Postpaid) and Line 234 (for M-PESA related queries)

You can contact Safaricom on:

I. Line 100 (Prepaid customers)

II. Line 200 (Post Paid customers)

III. Line 234

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