
M-Ledger is a mobile app (currently only on android) that runs on your phone and creates powerful information for your M-PESA transactions.

M-Ledger works by searching through a Database and displaying 6 months of M-PESA history upon download of the application. This data is then compared with your existing M-PESA SMS messages.

Yes. At the moment you can get up to 6 months of your historical data transactions. In future more may be available.

Yes. M-Ledger's data on your phone cannot be accessed by any other app. M-Ledger also has an inbuilt PIN protection feature which you can enable. Each time you open the app, you will be prompted to enter a secret PIN (Not your M-PESA PIN) that only YOU know.

Yes. M-Ledger is a free service. Standard Safaricom data charges for prepay and post pay customers apply for back-up and restore services.

Once you have installed M-Ledger and allowed it to back-up your data to Safaricom Cloud, your data will be automatically uploaded whenever an internet connection is available on your device. Should you purchase a new phone, you will get all your data for the last 6 month.

Yes. If you provide an email address during M-Ledger installation, your transactions will be accessible as long as you log onto M-Ledger.safaricom.com using your email address.

Yes you may access your transaction data when you log onto M-Ledger.safaricom.com using the email address that you provided during installation. To access this data on the website, you will require a working internet connection.

Yes, If you keep your finger pressed on a line with a transaction , M-Ledger will pop up a menu where you can , call,SMS , copy the number in the SMS. You can share the SMS either as it is or with current balance hidden.

Graphs are available on M-Ledger allowing you to access and represent your information based on Time, Person, Type and Top-20. Simply click on each menus and tap on the Charts icon to view your data in a graph.

Yes. The standard Safaricom internet/data charges for pre-pay and post-pay customers will apply when M-Ledger downloads or backs up data.

Yes. M-Ledger is a Safaricom product

Yes, simply un-check the box that requests Backup to Safaricom Cloud during installation. The option is also available within M-Ledger once installed through the settings. Please note that if you opt out of this feature, past transactions older than 6 months will not be captured should you change your phone.

To set a PIN you will be required to provide an email address. Should you forget your PIN, it is RESET and sent to you on the email provided.

No. Only premium users on the monthly plan, who had already paid ahead, will get a refund for the time they have not consumed.

No.All that is required is that you open the old version of M-Ledger and subscribe to Premium Service (at no cost to you) and your data will be backed up if there is an internet connection. You can then uninstall the old version and install the Safaricom version and restore your data.

M-Ledger has an inbuilt feedback feature which opens in your regular email account. Use this avenue to give feedback on your experience. You can contact Safaricom customer care on line 100 / 200 or through email on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; twitter-@safaricomltd; and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/SafaricomLtd

Yes. M-Ledger allows you to search for Lipa na M-PESA, , mobile banking Bank codes and PayBill numbers. Bank codes and PayBill numbers are downloaded to your device upon first initiation of the search functionality while BuyGoods numbers are searched Online

Once you download the app, click on the search icon and select the service you need. For buy goods till numbers, type in the service providers name and a list of till numbers will be displayed

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