Data Roaming - Share When There

Data roaming bundles will allow customers enjoy affordable browsing rates while roaming in South Africa, China, Netherlands, Ghana, Canada, Congo The Democratic Republic, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Mexico, New Zealand, Nigeria, Qatar, Romania, Rwanda, Seychelles, Sri Lanka and Uganda.








20 MB


50 MB



100 MB


200 MB



500 MB


1,000 MB


Prepay, PostPay and Hybrid customers can purchase data roaming bundles.

Customers can purchase the data roaming bundles via USSD

  1. *100*50# for PrePay customers and
  2. *200*50# for PostPay customers

Customers can purchase the data roaming bundles before leaving for their destination or upon arrival.
Bundles will only be used or consumed when roaming on Safaricom partner networks.

Customers can purchase the data roaming bundles using M-PESA or Airtime

Post pay customers can use M-PESA payment option when buying data roaming bundles for another prepay number. Purchases for self on PostPay will only be done via airtime.

Customers will enjoy validity based on the data bundles purchased

  1. Daily data roaming bundle will have a 24 hour validity
  2. Weekly data roaming bundles will have a 7 day validity
  3. Monthly data roaming bundles will have a 30 day validity

All bundles will have rollover but rollover will be conditional as below:

  1. If the customer buys a bundle before the expiry of the previous bundle
  2. The longest validity will apply after customer purchase the additional bundle

Customer can be able to buy for another number, but will not be able to transfer available data roaming bundle resources.

Customers will check their data roaming bundle balance via *100*50# or *200*50#

Subscribers will not be able to reverse their data roaming bundle purchases.

Customers will only be able to enjoy the data roaming bundles while browsing using the partners network, they will be required to purchase data bundles when within the country via *544# to enjoy affordable browsing.

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