Partner's role
Business partners play a critical role in driving safaricom's vision of transforming lives through a sustainable business ecosystem model . Our business partners are like the arrows spread across various industries. While some partners specifically the technology vendors contribute to the building products and services for our customers other partners specifically Dealers and M-Pesa agents helps in taking these products to the market. They therefore interact with our customers on a daily basis.
Our vendors provide a wide range of services that keep the business running; from network roll out, systems and security to provision of basic supplies such as water, fuel and office consumables, all of which enable Safaricom to achieve its mission. The Telecom Industry is highly regulated. This means that compliance with Safaricom's internal policies and procedures which are aligned to the local laws and regulations is critical in standardizing how we run our operations. It is therefore expected that our partners understand the obligations that touch on the products and services they provide to Safaricom, and comply with them as well as their employees (be they temporary, casual, or permanent), agents and sub-contractors throughout the world.
Partners are required to comply with the Data Protection Act of Kenya, 2019. As a data processor, you must adhere to the provisions of the Data Protection Act. This applies to all partners who have access to any personal information (information that can identify a person either directly or indirectly, such as name, identification number, date of birth, gender, transaction data, location data, call data records, M-PESA transactions, an online identifier, or one or more factors specific to the physical, psychological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural, or social identity of that person).
Suppliers shall not make or offer bribes or payments of money or anything of value to any Safaricom employee or any other person including officials, employees, or representatives of any government or public or international organization, or to any other third party for the purpose of obtaining or retaining business with Safaricom.
For the avoidance of doubt Safaricom considers an act of bribery to include the giving of money, anything of value or advantage to anyone where It is known or believed that it will be passed on to a government official or Safaricom employee for this purpose. Partners are required to comply with The Anti-Bribery Act and all applicable local anti-bribery legislation.
Suppliers are expected to put in place organizational procedures appropriate to their size and scale and to the nature of their operation to ensure the prevention of bribery and corruption. Every person holding a position of authority in a Supplier company shall report to the Ethics and Anti -Corruption Commission within a period of twenty-four (24) hours any knowledge or suspicion of instances of bribery.
All partners, their employees, agents, and subcontractors are required to comply with Safaricom PLC's internal policies and procedures, which reference local and international Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Combating the Financing of Terrorism (CFT), and Countering Proliferation Financing (CPF) regulations.
This includes adhering to the AML/CFT (Amendment) Act 2023, the Proceeds of Crime and Anti-Money Laundering Act and its regulations, the Prevention of Terrorism (Implementation of the United Nations Security Council Resolutions on the Prevention and Suppression of Terrorism) Regulations 2023, the Prevention of Terrorism (Implementation of the United Nations Security Council Resolutions on Prevention, Suppression, and Disruption of Proliferation Financing) Regulations 2023, and any other relevant laws and regulations applicable in the different jurisdictions of incorporation.
The partner is required to establish and maintain business continuity strategies and plans which ensure that the partner can continue to deliver their services to Safaricom in the event of any major incident or crisis, and which are compliant with the agreed business continuity requirements and objectives of Safaricom.
Safeguard the security of all Safaricom’s confidential information using appropriate security systems and processes reasonably acceptable to Safaricom. Promptly and accurately complete and return any Safaricom Information Security questionnaire whenever requested by Safaricom.
Explicitly review and understand all requirements provided by Safaricom in relation to the product or service being offered.
The partner will be required to obtain and renew, in accordance with any applicable law or regulation, all permits, licenses and authorizations required for them to carry out their business.
The partner will comply with all revenue laws and will not evade tax.
Safaricom requires all of its partners to sign up to the Code of Ethics for Business in Kenya upon contract award.
Partners will be required to comply with applicable antitrust or competition laws and will not engage in any restrictive trade practices. Suppliers will at all-times act in a manner that will uphold and encourage healthy competition.
It is Safaricom's policy that staff must not accept gifts or favours from a customer, potential customer, partner or potential supplier of goods or services to the company, regardless of the value of the gift.
No supplier shall enter into a financial or any other relationship with a Safaricom employee that creates a conflict of interest for Safaricom. A conflict of interest arises when the material personal interests of the Safaricom employee are inconsistent with the responsibilities of his/her position with the company. All such conflicts must be disclosed and approval to the transaction given. Conflicts of interests should be disclosed via email to [email protected]
The Supplier will comply with all local laws relating to labour, employee health and safety, and wages.
a) Child Labour
Safaricom suppliers and their subcontractors will not hire children, a child being any person below the age of 16 years unless in the case of Kenya operations under apprenticeship and, in a technical institution, unless authorized under the Industrial Training Act (Cap 237 Laws of Kenya) and supervised by a public authority.
b) Forced Labour and Disciplinary Practices
Suppliers will:
- Not use forced labour nor require any worker, whether local or foreign, to remain in employment for any period of time against his or her will.
- Treat workers with respect and dignity and ensure workers are not subjected to any form of physical, sexual, psychological, or other form of harassment or abuse.
- Ensure that workers are free to express their views about their workplace conditions without fear of retribution or losing their jobs.
c) Freedom of Association
Partners will allow and respect their employees' right to form or join trade unions of their own choice and to bargain collectively.
d) Wages & Benefits
Partners will meet minimum wage requirements and will ensure that all statutory deductions as required under any local laws from time to time are complied with.
Suppliers are expected to comply with any local laws and regulations relating to occupational Safety and health as well as Safaricom’s health and safety requirements.
This Environmental Responsibility sets forth the minimum standards of business conduct that we expect from all our partners:
- Compliance with Laws
All partners must fully comply with all applicable laws, standards, and regulations applicable to them. - Environmental Sustainability
Safaricom PLC expects its partners to demonstrate a clear understanding of the environmental risks, impacts, and responsibilities associated with the products and services they provide.
If a partner becomes aware of unethical acts either by Safaricom, its staff, or other suppliers, they should report all pertinent details via one of the following channels:
- Toll-free number:0800 720 009
- Email:[email protected]
The channel allows for anonymous reporting. Safaricom will investigate the matter in confidence.